Claudio Evangelisti


   ISTM-CNR, Via Fantoli 16/15

   20138 Milano (Italy)

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   Phone: (+39) 0250995632 (LAB) / 0250995623 (OFFICE)



Claudio Evangelisti was born in 1975 inPisa (Italy). In 2001 he obtained the degree in Chemistry at the University of Pisa. In 2004 he obtained his PhD in Chemistry from the University of Pisa for the Thesis “Platinum and Rhodium Nanoaggregates prepared by Metal Vapour Synthesis: Characterization and Studies on their Catalytic Properties” (Supervisors, Dr. Giovanni Vitulli (CNR), Prof. P. Salvadori). From 2005 to 2010, he obtained Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry, University of Pisa, working on the development of nanostructured metal systems and their use as catalysts for chemo- and regioselective organic transformations. In 2011 he worked at the Institute for Physical-Chemistry Processes (IPCF-CNR), Pisa, in a research entitled “Preparation of new polymer/metal nanocomposites with innovative technologies and their structural and morphological characterization”. In November 2011, he obtained Research Scientist (permanent position) at the Institute of Molecular Science and Technologies, CNR, Milano.


The scientific interests of Dr. Evangelisti are the synthesis and characterization of nanostructured metal catalysts and their applications in chemo- and regioselective organic reactions directed to the synthesis of fine chemicals. His research activity is focused on: (a) Synthesis of supported mono- and heterometallic nanoparticles, featuring strictly controlled dimension and composition, mainly synthesized by metal vapour synthesis technique (MVS); (b) Synthesis of metal nanoparticles with tailored size controlling the parameters which affected their size and their growth in solution; (c) Characterization of nanostructured metal systems by transmission electron microscopy including electron diffraction, EDX and EELS analysis; (d) Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis in processes such as isomerization, hydrogenation, oligomerization, hydrosilylation of unsaturated substrates, and carbon-carbon coupling reactions; (e) Applications of supported metal particles for eco-sustainable heterogeneous catalytic processes (e.g. continuous-flow reactions). He is co-author of twenty-five publications on international journals, two book chapters, two patents and a number of communications to national and international meetings, in many cases as oral presentation.





   Via C. Golgi 19
20133 Milano, Italy



   Via Fantoli 16/15
20138 Milano, Italy



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